Auto generate password apex salesforce.

To generate random password you can use crypto class for generating password in apex.

crypto class will generate random blob. Use can use that blob for creating String.
use trim string to whatever length.

Here is Sample class for generating password:

public class PasswordGenerator {
public static String getPassword(Integer passlength) {
Blob blobKey = crypto.generateAesKey(128); String key = EncodingUtil.convertToHex(blobKey); System.debug(key);
return key.substring(0,passlength); } }

How to put a static image in a flow designer ?

The Rich text editor on the screen element currently does not support img src tags.
However, the flow run-time interprets any text as HTML. So, you could store the html markup in a custom setting or any database record, fetch it in a variable and use that in the screen.

You can display document image in flow Designer by creating text variable.

Create Variable of type text in flow Designer.

Data Type: text
Input/output type :  Output only
Default value:   
<img src="https://Domain_url/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=Your_documentid&oid=Org_id" width="100px" Height="100px"/>

Note: Domain_url  >>>  set your domain url
           Your_documentid >> set your document id.
          Org_id >>> set your org id

You can get your Org id by Navigate to Administration Setup > Company Setup> Company Information.

you will find org id at Organization ID field.

Now use this newly created variable in Screen.